Tue - October 7, 2003tri.phonic @ FCMM & MEG - vis-à-vis the launch of III//greetings once again, .. tri.phonic has consolidated its summer of inventive experimental & electronic improvisation with a twist of funk into the renegade crew of: tobias c. van Veen *blind gesture laptop & techno-turntablism & signifier recombination Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous *acoustic noise & laptop funk & techno-turntablism Johnny Ranger *VJ: visual poetics and word splicer Testing the realms of minimal beat structures and sonic scapes through visual feedback, the tri.phonic project has re-named its core triad as: ---> III <---- .. pronounced: THREE. .. & it is thus the tri.phonic project that welcomes back the wandering ear of III to the FCMM and MEG Festivals .. TRI.PHONIC @ FCMM "cardinal.III rules of eye.sonika" tobias c. van Veen | Daniel Gardner | Johnny Ranger (VJ) .MONDAY OCTOBER 13. 10PM - 3AM . $9 @ SAT. @ FCMM. http://www.fcmm.com http://fcmmtriphonic.notlong.com TRI.PHONIC @ MEG "cardinal.III rules of aqua.funk" tobias c. van Veen | Daniel Gardner | Johnny Ranger (VJ) .TUESDAY OCTOBER 21. 6PM - MIDNIGHT. $10adv. $15/door @ SAT. @ MEG. http://www.megmontreal.com . w/ DJ JOAKIM. http://www.megmontreal.com/bio.asp?section=1&ID=30 .. from the sideways curve of the tangent: III. -- tobias c. van Veen ![]() Posted at 02:57 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Sun - September 14, 2003tri.phonic: the ME & September - Octobertri.phonic
has seen a massive amount of frenetic activity.. including a ME (Mobile Edition)
version at Next Five
Minutes in Amsterdam (schedule & location), and installments at
MEG and
FCMM. Please
check our
section to the right to see the dates and times, but here they are for those of
short memory & eager
Dimanche, September 14: tri.phonic ME (Mobile Edition) at Next Five Minutes, Amsterdam. tobias c. van Veen with Derek Holzer, Kristina Andersen, MVK & random guests. TAZ space: Salon, de Balie, 15h. Jeudi, September 25: Andrew Duke (Halifax) & special guest tba. In conjunction with the [territoires ouverts-open territories] (TOT) @ SAT. Lundi, October 13: FCMM edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger. Guests tba. @ SAT. Mardi, October 21st: MEG edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger Guests tba. @ SAT. Posted at 10:40 AM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Sun - September 7, 2003september 25th: tri.phonic IVIt's official: the next tri.phonic will be on:
September 25th, 2003 @ SAT, as the
launch party for the Open Territories network project (TOT). We'll be
going from our usual time of 5-10pm, and of course it's free. Our confirmed
guest includes Andrew Duke from
Halifax and the quite possibly a very
special guest who currently lives in Ottawa (it
all depends if he has the physical time in his day. I guess we'll see). Of
course the resident concept engineer tobias c. van
Veen and co-jammer
Gardner will be twisting sonic tapestries all
evening on laptops and turntables, and VJ extraordinaire
Johnny Ranger
will be ungluing the eyelids. More news to come: we expect, hopefully, another
guest -- we'll let y'all know soon.
- tobias Posted at 01:13 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Mon - August 25, 2003tri.phonic photo re-con: july.31Photos from the front .. that's vitaminsforyou in the black baseball cap, Thien with the DV cam, Pheek twisting a
knob, and Johnny
Ranger giving a smile from the VJ command
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted at 03:06 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Tue - July 29, 2003tri.phonic: viva l'été & thoughts distinguishingWe'd like to twist our thoughts for a
moment .. the following thoughts can also be found here as Statement 2: tri DOT
--->..A FEW WORDS ON JANEK SCHAEFER: scratching the TRI.PHONIC TRI.PHONIC owes its debt & gratitude to the development of the "Tri-Phonic" term by JANEK SCHAEFER, who coined the moniker for the world-premiere of his three-arm turntable in 1997. The three-arm deck claimed a Guinness World Record for "most versatile record player." Schaefer explains the concept in his paper for the Leonardo Music Journal: "Instead of using lots of record players to play lots of different records I simply thought of combining several record players in one. The Tri-Phonic was born. As records can be easily accessed in many time frames/places simultaneously it was to be very efficient at maximising the potential of obscure vinyl discoveries. This invention could multiply, magnify and manipulate the essential physical surface of sound in as many ways as was practically possible." To potentialise--to maximise--to maniplate sound at its limit--"as man ways as practically possible"--this is what we'd like to do with the basis of the term: TRI (three) PHONOS (sound). Three sounds: three arms: MUTANT SOUND, the three-armed beast of the turntablist-laptrician-phonographist, or net.artist-event producer-VJ, or producer-designer-artist, even. We are a MUTANT BREED OF SONIC ALIENS. We'd like to sample Janek's "tri-phonic" and scratch the hypen, replacing it with a DOT: "tri.phonic" -- TRI DOT PHONIC -- in this substitution we expand the term to resonate the general aspects of a growing digital arts practice which is not ours alone, nor which we could ever claim, but which sees its rise & occurrence globally among genres and practices including microsound, glitch, clicks and cuts, sound-art, sound installations, phonography, turntablism, laptronics, microsonics, lowercase, field recordings, and sonic net.art. Thus the DOT is the break from the hypen, the TRI (three) from the PHONOS (sound) that also represents the influence of the digital tie or bond of today's media: NET DOT ART. TRI DOT PHONIC. The digital bond where "Today, music is information" (Achim Szepanski). Janek begins his essay by saying: "It has always been a principle of mine to not copy ideas, but to bounce from them in order to develop new ones instead. Not to xerox, but manipulate in order to produce something new and unique to yourself. As a result one develops one's own ideas which then form a series of personal stories which is much more rewarding an experience." Here we wish not to claim "tri.phonic" as our own-- rather we'd like to sample the term, broaden it, and offer it to others. We're peforming a little bit of MUTATION upon the term. PER.MUTATION. We'd like not to copy or xerox Janek's specific usage but expand it, delight in it, cite it, reference it, jump from it, dive into it, really-- to encompass our common bond: the digital link.ages forming via net.art, phonography (microphones), turntablism, VJing and laptronics ... Thus we re.birth the tri.phonic .. and welcome a digital arts practice that seeks to incorporate, cut, scratch, cross-fade, granulate & otherwise MUTATE the digital & analogue sonic arts that remain "pure" & un-touched to & by each other.. tobias c. van Veen // For more on Janek Schaefer's Tri-Phonic turntable, please see: http://www.audioh.com/projects/triphonic.html Posted at 02:01 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Tue - July 22, 2003tri.phonic: upcoming guests ..allo,
We're ecstatic to announce...or we're happy to announce...well, we're grooving over our summer schedule... OK: basically we think we've assembled a rather penultimate roster of excellent musicians, all performing live, all doing solo spots as well as integrating their musical geniuses into the "jam_session" aspect of tri.phonic. So without further ado, a reminder that tri.phonic is FREE all summer long, here's the line-up... every 2nd Thursday, from 5-10pm: July 31: Pheek [epsilon lab, montréal] vitaminsforyou [intr_version records, winnipeg/montréal] Blunderspublik [sfeericle records, winnipeg/montréal] August 14: naw [noise factory records, Clonk, montréal] Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montréal] Mitchell Akiyama [the man behind intr_version records, montréal] August 28: Deadbeat [intr_version, ~scape recording artist, montréal] Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montréal] Thomas Phillips [TBC; Trente Oiseaux, montréal] As each show approaches we will be offering an in-depth look at the artists & a peek into their sonic excursions for the evening. And be on the lookout for local promotion in Montréal.. more info as it happens. As the world spins: tri.phonic. Until then, tobias & Daniel contact: tobias at rhizome dot org Posted at 04:23 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Fri - July 18, 200317th tri.phonic report: pics are indear
Thanks to all who came out last night, it was an enjoyable evening indeed, bearing witness to a series of aural events, including a live set from Daniel Gardner under his Frivolous moniker, and a noisy, field recording jam-over via tobias' alter-ego, saibot. Ryan Mitchell-Morrison as Humdinger gave credence to the fact that a laptop can be used as one instrument among many, performing effects pedals, obscure synth keyboards, a modern-day theremin, and other assorted oddities in an intraweaved composition of Reichesque loops and undulating patterns and bursts. Finally, Fishead showed up to battle obscure noise and mash-up records, besting tobias 2 to 1 in the dubplate challenge. tobias, however, vows to return in two weeks with his own oddities. So there ya' have it: everything from atmospheric and minimalist dub techno to microhouse, breakcore to noise, ambiance to field recordings, live improvisation to turntablism. We'd like to invite y'all back in two weeks when rumour has it VJ Johnny Ranger, back from Brazil, will be dropping the visuals-- & in that vein, thanks to Pillow and Yasuko for jamming visuals the past three soirées .. Alright, down below, we've got the no-nonsense Pillow on the visuals (he usually is laughing -- but never get between a man & his Powerbook), Ryan rocking out the gear with Daniel in behind on the decks, and two sweet pictures of the SAT on a warm, Montréal evening... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted at 12:33 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Wed - July 16, 2003tri.phonic on the 15th: results are in--pics 4 over 1.dear readers and
The first beta.test of tri.phonic [there was a secret alpha last week] was successful in preparing us for the beta 2.0 this thursday, at which point we will be commencing a bimonthly schedule [once every two weeks]. Confirmed upcoming dates are:17th and 31st of July; August 14th and 28th (every second Thursday!). We hope to have a number of guests in for the ride along with residents .. well that's us: tobias c. van Veen & Daniel Gardner. (Guests will be announced soon). Speaking of guests, we'd like to thank Ryan Mitchell-Morrison who dropped in as Humdinger-- Ryan has done good work in Vancouver as a member of the A/V Lodge crew, one of a sparse few fine collectives plunging the obscure depths of experimental electronic, soundscapes, and IDM out on the Left Coast. Ryan will be joining us once again on Thursday, July 17th with his field recordings and ambient weirdness that on occasion "bursts into sudden noise." At the same time, we'd like to give kudos to Mr. Fishead, formerly of Winnipeg, who took the time to pronounce his fingered judgment on the turntables, thereby deconstructing '80s and '90s classic techno & industrial records at trick-speeds. We'll also be welcoming Fishead back on Thursday for round two. Finally, a few words from tobias' fingers differentiating "tri.phonic" as a "tripartite" art from Janek Schaefer's Tri-Phonic Turntable (which recently celebrated its 6th birthday!) will be coming down the pipe -- to avoid confusion & to give credit where credit is due to Janek. Also to chart some thoughts on the history of turntablism & phonography .. In the meantime .. here are some pics from the 15th .. that's Fishead and Daniel Gardner on the left, the new SAT (check out the windows & the view!) on the right, down below is tobias in front of the laptop, and Fishead on the decks. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted at 01:44 AM p-link & whole deal Email Comments Mon - July 14, 2003tri.phonic: 07.15/17.03allo, allo
||_) | |_)|_|/ \|\ | | / ______________\ || \_|_o| | |\_/| \|_|_\_ / --------------------------------> /// tri.phonic \\\ -------- // \\ <-------------------------------- // \\ || || . evenings: | ---------- | | /// \\\+----- |\\ tri.phonic // | \\ | \\ // // | \\ 5-10pm / 17h-22h | ---+---- | | | | | | @ [SAT] 1195 St. Laurent | | tri.phonic | FREE.FREE.GRATUIT.FREE.FREE \\ | // | \\\ | /// | ---------- tri.phonic/ w/ith: \\ // \-------------------------------------------------------+-- //// -+------- LA SOCIéTé DES ARTS TECHNOLOGIQUES [SAT] 1195. ST. LAURENT . SAT [MIX_SESSIONS] -- JAM_SESSIONS - 5 @ SAT MONTRéAL . MONTRéAL . MONTRéAL . [[ http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/triphonic ]]] ]] ]] ] ] We're ecstatic to announce...or we're happy to announce...well, we're grooving over our summer schedule... OK: basically we think we've assembled a rather penultimate roster of excellent musicians, all performing live, all doing solo spots as well as integrating their musical ingenuities into the "jam_session" aspect of tri.phonic . So without further ado, a reminder that tri.phonic is FREE all summer long , here's the line-up... every 2nd Thursday, from 5-10pm Plus: --->JULY 31 : PHEEK [epsilon lab, montréal] vitaminsforyou [intr_version records, winnipeg/montréal] BLUNDERSPUBLIK [sfeericle records, winnipeg/montréal] --->AUGUST 14 : NAW [noise factory records, Clonk, montréal] Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montréal] MITCHELL AKIYAMA [the man behind intr_version records, montréal] --->AUGUST 28 : DEADBEAT [intr_version, ~scape recording artist, montréal] Colin the Mole [tracks on Mutek & Force Inc., montréal] THOMAS PHILIPS [Trente Oiseaux, montréal] with jam_sessions mercenaries: TOBIAS C. VAN VEEN & DANIEL GARDNER --- > [see below for some biographical information on us two] tobias: cut-up sounds, field/recordings, net.art & techno-turntablism Daniel (aka Frivolous): laptronic minimal house & techno, techno-turntablism ..the new SAT: 30 foot ceilings... ample red couches .. fully stocked bar .. a whole wall of beautiful windows overlooking the park .. terrasse .. +-----------------+ -----------------------------------------------------+------- | .definitions for // tri.phonic \\ . +-----------------+ --- > [the mix of all three provides the basis for this "jam_session"] --- > [the three elements of our art]: 1. (techno) turntablism: the exploration of experimental beats & minimalism utilising the full art of turntable techniques. hip-hop scratch-djs are not the only turntablists: it's time to wrest the boring reputation & robotic motions of the DJ. turntablism is EXPRESSIVE. it is an ART. 2. laptop [live] performance the creation of one's own sounds via the technologies of the portable computer, the ability to remix one's tracks on the fly, and jam with others in an "electronic laboratory" setting. also: the combination of laptop music with net.art and net.sound.installation via WiFi connections--the openings of transference & translation between net.art.sound & "electronic music." transactive sound.performance. 3. field recordings: the microphone the recording of audio from the environment, the urban echoes resonating via software, the incorporation of our environment as listening object, as object of contemplation, as the subject of our passions & desires, as the subject of our art, as art itself. --->..A FEW WORDS ON JANEK SCHAEFER: scratching the TRI.PHONIC TRI.PHONIC owes its debt & gratitude to the development of the "Tri-Phonic" term by JANEK SCHAEFER, who coined the moniker for the world-premiere of his three-arm turntable in 1997. The three-arm deck claimed a Guinness World Record for "most versatile record player." Schaefer explains the concept in his paper for the Leonardo Music Journal: "Instead of using lots of record players to play lots of different records I simply thought of combining several record players in one. The Tri-Phonic was born. As records can be easily accessed in many time frames/places simultaneously it was to be very efficient at maximising the potential of obscure vinyl discoveries. This invention could multiply, magnify and manipulate the essential physical surface of sound in as many ways as was practically possible." To potentialise--to maximise--to maniplate sound at its limit--"as man ways as practically possible"--this is what we'd like to do with the basis of the term: TRI (three) PHONOS (sound). Three sounds: three arms: MUTANT SOUND, the three-armed beast of the turntablist- laptrician- phonographist, or net.artist-event producer-VJ, or producer-designer-artist, even. We are a MUTANT BREED OF SONIC ALIENS. We'd like to sample Janek's "tri-phonic" and scratch the hypen, replacing it with a DOT: "tri.phonic" -- TRI DOT PHONIC -- in this substitution we expand the term to resonate the general aspects of a growing digital arts practice which is not ours alone, nor which we could ever claim, but which sees its rise & occurrence globally among genres and practices including microsound, glitch, clicks and cuts, sound-art, sound installations, phonography, turntablism, laptronics, microsonics, lowercase, field recordings, and sonic net.art. Thus the DOT is the break from the hypen, the TRI (three) from the PHONOS (sound) that also represents the influence of the digital tie or bond of today's media: NET DOT ART. TRI DOT PHONIC. The digital bond where "Today, music is information" (Achim Szepanski). Janek begins his essay by saying: "It has always been a principle of mine to not copy ideas, but to bounce from them in order to develop new ones instead. Not to xerox, but manipulate in order to produce something new and unique to yourself. As a result one develops one's own ideas which then form a series of personal stories which is much more rewarding an experience." Here we wish not to claim "tri.phonic" as our own-- rather we'd like to sample the term, broaden it, and offer it to others. We're peforming a little bit of MUTATION upon the term. PER.MUTATION. We'd like not to copy or xerox Janek's specific usage but expand it, delight in it, cite it, reference it, jump from it, dive into it, really-- to encompass our common bond: the digital link.ages forming via net.art, phonography (microphones),turntablism, VJing and laptronics ... Thus we re.birth the tri.phonic .. and welcome a digital arts practice that seeks to incorporate, cut, scratch, cross-fade, granulate & otherwise MUTATE the digital & analogue sonic arts that remain "pure" & un-touched to & by each other.. tobias c. van Veen // For more on Janek Schaefer's Tri-Phonic turntable, please see: http://www.audioh.com/projects/triphonic.html ---. [tobias c. van Veen] is a sound & net.artist, techno-turntablist, and writer. He has been enmeshed with musikal resistance culture since 1993, curating and provoking via interventions & events, sounds & words. Hailing from Vancouver, BC, tobias was intricately involved in the West Coast anarcho-techno scene with the <ST> Projekt, curating and DJing over one hundred events. >>tobias is Editor and Columnist for several arts, music and politics publications including FUSE, e|i, Capital, Dustedmagazine.com and Discorder. He has freelanced for The Wire, the CBC and Austria Kunstradio. His tactical media & net.art have surfaced on CTheory.net, 120seconds.com, Javamuseum.org, thisistheonlyart.com, Juniradio.net, at the Centre for Contemporary Culture in Barcelona, and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Denver. Tobias’ recent critical output can be found in the Leonardo Music Journal and Bad Subjects, and a DJ set still resides on Betalounge.com. He is author of the 2003 Canadian Electronic Music Directory and is currently writing a book on the politics of sound and subcultures. tobias holds a B.A. in English Honours from UBC and is wrapping his M.A. in Communications at McGill. His current and past projects as well as his blog can be found at: http://www.quadrantcrossing.org . Daniel Gardner – Otherwise known as “Frivolous,” Daniel’s quirky minimal techno & house recordings can be found on Seattle’s Deluxe, Cologne’s Sub Static and Germany’s Background Records. As well as a producer, Daniel is a slice-and-dice DJ of 7 years who now makes his home in Montréal after moving from his native Vancouver. On the West Coast, Daniel hosted one of Vancouver’s sparse techno evenings at the Alibi Room, as well as designed promotion for and DJ’ed at events including tobias van Veen’s last <ST> gathering featuring Tomas Jirku and shows featuring Mike Shannon and Ben Nevile. Daniel has pushed to develop a bridge between Vancouver’s contemporary art and music culture with audio installations for the Intermission Arts Society as well as the Simon Fraser University student-run Gallery, Propaganda. Future plans include, well, more records. <http://www.newmusiccanada.com/genres/artist.cfm?Band_Id=7413> .. TRI.PHONIC --- .. . . ---------- infos will be posted here: /// \\\ http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/triphonic // \\ // \\ stay in touch: | TRI.PHONIC | http://www.quadrantcrossing.org/blog | | | TRI.PHONIC | +-------------------------------------------------+---------------+ | +--------------------------------------------------+--------------+ | \\ TRI.PHONIC // \\ // \\\ /// ---------- Posted at 05:34 PM p-link & whole deal Email Comments |
tri.phonic is the expression of the tripartite digital/analogue arts: turntablism, laptronics, and broadcast field recordings. We employ decks, circuitry, and the Net. We record our sounds from the world. A mutable sonic playground, which is remixed visually: VJs, net.art installations. We gather infrequently at La Sociˇtˇ des arts technologiques [SAT] in Montrˇal, and [usually] it's free. We also perform and improvise in select locations...
The renegade residents, known as III, are tobias c. van Veen (net.art, laptronics, turntablism), Daniel Gardner, a.k.a. Frivolous (laptronics, turntablism) & Johnny Ranger (VJ, visual poet). You can email tobias here [please remove the NOSPAM.]. next: tri.phonic
.upcoming. Finally ... a break ... ! past.events. July 31: Pheek & vitaminsforyou with Blunderspublik August 14: naw aka Neil Wiernik & Colin the Mole & Mitchell Akiyama August 28: Deadbeat & Thomas Phillips September 14th, 2003 // 15h, de Balie Salon @ N5M, Amsterdam September 14: tri.phonic ME (Mobile Edition) at Next Five Minutes, Amsterdam. tobias c. van Veen with Derek Holzer, Kristina Andersen, MVK & random guests. TAZ space: Salon, de Balie, 15h. September 25: Andrew Duke (Halifax) & special guest tbc. In conjunction with the [territoires ouverts-open territories] (TOT) October 13: FCMM edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger. @ SAT. 10PM-3AM. $9. FCMM schedule. October 21st: MEG edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger. @ SAT. 6PM-MIDNIGHT, $10 adv. /$15 door. [DJ JOAKIM closing the show]. MEG schedule. mailing.list
--get on our mailing.list here.
tri.phonic tangent #1: statement
tri.phonic tangent #2: tri DOT phonic tri.phonic tangent #3: WHAT & HISTORY linked.return
mind.roots [Johnny Ranger]
quadrant.crossing [tobias] [SAT] .ST projekt. [tobias] target.circuitry .technoWest.org. them.hallucinates: tobias blog .thisistheonlyart.com. .//calendar
XML/RSS feed.meme
numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..: 9
...pooplished 0n: Oct 27, 2003 12:25 PM |