tri.phonic on the 15th: results are in--pics 4 over 1.[pics from july 15th]
dear readers and
The first beta.test of tri.phonic [there was a secret alpha last week] was successful in preparing us for the beta 2.0 this thursday, at which point we will be commencing a bimonthly schedule [once every two weeks]. Confirmed upcoming dates are:17th and 31st of July; August 14th and 28th (every second Thursday!). We hope to have a number of guests in for the ride along with residents .. well that's us: tobias c. van Veen & Daniel Gardner. (Guests will be announced soon). Speaking of guests, we'd like to thank Ryan Mitchell-Morrison who dropped in as Humdinger-- Ryan has done good work in Vancouver as a member of the A/V Lodge crew, one of a sparse few fine collectives plunging the obscure depths of experimental electronic, soundscapes, and IDM out on the Left Coast. Ryan will be joining us once again on Thursday, July 17th with his field recordings and ambient weirdness that on occasion "bursts into sudden noise." At the same time, we'd like to give kudos to Mr. Fishead, formerly of Winnipeg, who took the time to pronounce his fingered judgment on the turntables, thereby deconstructing '80s and '90s classic techno & industrial records at trick-speeds. We'll also be welcoming Fishead back on Thursday for round two. Finally, a few words from tobias' fingers differentiating "tri.phonic" as a "tripartite" art from Janek Schaefer's Tri-Phonic Turntable (which recently celebrated its 6th birthday!) will be coming down the pipe -- to avoid confusion & to give credit where credit is due to Janek. Also to chart some thoughts on the history of turntablism & phonography .. In the meantime .. here are some pics from the 15th .. that's Fishead and Daniel Gardner on the left, the new SAT (check out the windows & the view!) on the right, down below is tobias in front of the laptop, and Fishead on the decks. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Posted: Wed - July 16, 2003 at 01:44 AM tri.phonic Email Comments |
tri.phonic is the expression of the tripartite digital/analogue arts: turntablism, laptronics, and broadcast field recordings. We employ decks, circuitry, and the Net. We record our sounds from the world. A mutable sonic playground, which is remixed visually: VJs, installations. We gather infrequently at La Sociˇtˇ des arts technologiques [SAT] in Montrˇal, and [usually] it's free. We also perform and improvise in select locations...
The renegade residents, known as III, are tobias c. van Veen (, laptronics, turntablism), Daniel Gardner, a.k.a. Frivolous (laptronics, turntablism) & Johnny Ranger (VJ, visual poet). You can email tobias here [please remove the NOSPAM.]. next: tri.phonic
.upcoming. Finally ... a break ... ! July 31: Pheek & vitaminsforyou with Blunderspublik August 14: naw aka Neil Wiernik & Colin the Mole & Mitchell Akiyama August 28: Deadbeat & Thomas Phillips September 14th, 2003 // 15h, de Balie Salon @ N5M, Amsterdam September 14: tri.phonic ME (Mobile Edition) at Next Five Minutes, Amsterdam. tobias c. van Veen with Derek Holzer, Kristina Andersen, MVK & random guests. TAZ space: Salon, de Balie, 15h. September 25: Andrew Duke (Halifax) & special guest tbc. In conjunction with the [territoires ouverts-open territories] (TOT) October 13: FCMM edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger. @ SAT. 10PM-3AM. $9. FCMM schedule. October 21st: MEG edition: Daniel Gardner a.k.a. Frivolous & tobias c. van Veen with Johnny Ranger. @ SAT. 6PM-MIDNIGHT, $10 adv. /$15 door. [DJ JOAKIM closing the show]. MEG schedule. mailing.list
--get on our mailing.list here.
tri.phonic tangent #1: statement
tri.phonic tangent #2: tri DOT phonic tri.phonic tangent #3: WHAT & HISTORY linked.return
mind.roots [Johnny Ranger]
quadrant.crossing [tobias] [SAT] .ST projekt. [tobias] target.circuitry them.hallucinates: tobias blog .//calendar
mo' numbers:
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../published 0n: Oct 27, 2003 12:24 PM |