counter.strike re_broadcast @ ALT-X
Audio via Trace Reddell re.broadcasts "air.strike," a
sonic intervention within the Counter-Strike gaming network originally broadcast
and produced for Open.Air Radio in 2003. ALT X _ [ .m3u ] -- The bombs fall
with a click of the mouse, in which case the nomadic laptop is also the
skymachine that brings death, and the groundmachine that erupts in a halo of
virtual gunfire is as real to the desert sands as the counterstrike is to the
screen. -- .. //
is a one hour sound-art piece designed for radio-art broadcast. As such, it
plays with the ambiguity of radio reception and the expectations that underlie
the radio broadcast (reception, context, transmission), albeit transferred to
the net-radio domains of the 21C. Taking as his themeatic the rise in terrorist
uses of nebulous transmissions (the Net, radio, underground media), and the
training of violent cultures via virtual worlds (such as the US Army's game
"America's Army,") van Veen utilises samples from the popular, online FPS (First
Person Shooter) game, Counter-Strike. These samples include in-game sounds
(gunfire, explosions) and the live audio comments of the players. The artist
submersed body, mind and mouse in hours of gaming to engage the players in
increasingly surreal situations (disrupting game-play, conversation, reading
aloud tracts and texts). As a feedback effect of the performative engagement
with gaming culture, audio was recorded onto tape cassette with the windows open
in Montrˆ©al, allowing the busy Cote-des-Neiges throughfare to bleed through
into the online realm. The similarity between traffic violence and that of the
online world is unsettling. Further sonic references throughout Air.Strike
include Detroit techno patterns (non-representational & interstellar dreams
of the AfroFuturist), low-range bass drones (earth-shattering explosions),
microsound soundscapes derived from field recordings (meditative, quiet
refractions of sound into granular clouds) and other elements of sonic
manipulation that generate the marks of the alien, an offworld, areferential
soundscape that, despite its dreamlike qualities, is all too close to Earth. The
surrealist aspect of science-fiction is punctuated by Chris Daub's reading of
van Veen's "Dream.Flesh" text which details a violent bureaucratic
engagement.Air.Strike was originally broadcast for the 2003
Open Air Radio Festival (Barcelona, Spain) and is featured as Alt-X Audio #14
(part of
FEATURED:Open Air Radio
2003 [ ] [
] [
]Alt-X Audio #14 (December 2005) [
]../....../.. .. /. /. .brrp bip boop
posted. Mon - January 2, 2006 @ 12:59 PM
.this blog sketches patterning / [tV] -- everything here is in-progress, often a mess of thoughts and poorly edited grammar.
- [ NYE] in MTL.
- [11.1o-14.o5] SLSA Chicago.
- [11.o3.o5] Upgrade! Montrˆ©al @ SAT
- [1o.13.o5] djing @ Saphir w/ Fishead et Level 4 Productions.
- [o0.26.o5] Beat Research, Boston. [dj set].
- [o9.24/25.o5] Upgrade International Gathering, NYC @ Eyebeam.
- [o9.22.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-24h00, DONATION. Benefit for Critical Art Ensemble & Robert Ferrell with Artivistic & [CRTL] conferences.
-[o9.21.o5] Where's the Beat, CKUT 90.3FM, Montrˆ©al.
- [o9.o1.o5] Cabanon Artivistic Fundraiser / w/ FISHEAD dj set + others. | MTL, 2025 St. Laurent.
- [o8.26.o5] (()) : a series of live micro-amplified electronic performances in local studios. live set w/ tomas phillips, john phillips. contact for invite.
- [08.18.05] : FullPleineMoon Party w/ DJ Fishead.
- [o7.28.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. Featuring in & out of the studio conference artists.
- [o6.23.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [o6.21.o5] Full Moon Party [MTL] w/ Jon Vaughn + Carrie Gates (SK). e for invite.
- [o5.18.o5] Doublethink - Orwell/Huxley NFB Happening [MTL]: performance of the Punishment Intensive SoundSystem (PISS) with Fishead and Black Market LIVE. Performance art, Bioteknica, Hate Orgies, competition debating. e for details.
- [o5.o7-o8.o5] THE SINUES OF THE PRESENT: GENEALOGIES OF BIOPOLITICS @ Universite de Montreal. Plenary speakers: Brian Massumi, Natalie Jeremijenko, Bioteknica. On a panel w/ Nick Dyer-Witheford. Should be interesting.
- [o5.o5.o5] mix_Sessions MDCN: mobile music @ SAT, 22h00-24h00, djing with colin the mole & VJ Beewoo.
- [o5.o5.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. With SonicScene / MDCN artists.
- [o5.o5-o8.o5] MDCN Symposium @ SAT.
- [o4.19.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. w/ Alain Thibault, Elektra.
- [o3.17.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [o2.17.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [01.20.05] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h30-23h00, FREE.
- [12.31.04/05] NYE. email me for details.. djing [vancouver]. [maybe?].
archival.projekts: 1994-2004
.. @rchives //
numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..:
...puplished 0n: Mar 22, 2006 01:51 PM