a black rainbow over downtown New Orleans
I could see the bridge all the way to
the second stanchion. Here and there clouds had torn away from the black sky.
Something was burning down between the waterfront buildings. We rushed across
fifty feet of pavement. Just before the bridge mouth, it looked like someone had
grenaded the road. A slab of asphalt practically fifteen feet high jutted up.
Down the crack around it, you could see wet pipes, and below that, flickering
water. Above, that amazing, loud lightning formed its searing nodes among the
cloud canyons. [Dhalgren,
Samuel R. Delaney, p. 874.]
[New Orleans
webcam] [Outpost Crystal: Survival of New Orleans blog - Or, Why
It's a Good Idea to Know Your
— Storm victims were raped and beaten, fights and fires broke out, corpses
lay out in the open, and rescue helicopters and law enforcement officers were
shot at as flooded-out New Orleans descended into anarchy Thursday. "This is a
desperate SOS," the mayor said. [story]No
-- this isn't anarchy. This is simply the rupture of the facade of global
capital, the destruction of social mores via the ultimate devastation of
infrastructure, doing nothing more nor less than revealing, quite simply, and
aptly, the social anger, the vengeance, not merely of "the criminal elements" or
"a few bad apples" as has been quoted, but of the poorest classes of the United
States. And in the U.S., by default (and what a default), the
classes [1]. It's impossible to avoid or forget the poverty in New Orleans. A
city on the edge, not only sunk between levees, but constantly awaiting its
chance for historical redress. And now, treated like chattel .. Is it any
surprise that these conditions, in a state which is now stateless, have reached
their culmination ? The poor and black classes have always
known this
was to be their fate when the hammer falls - is it any surprise they are
fighting in ways which appear mad, but make all the more sense when the world is
no longer ? They had no food, no
water, and no medicine for the last three days, until today, when the National
Guard drove over the bridge above them, and tossed out supplies over the side
crashing down to the ground below. Much of the supplies were destroyed from the
drop. Many people tried to catch the supplies to protect them before they hit
the ground. Some offered to walk all the way around up the bridge and bring the
supplies down, but any attempt to approach the police or national guard resulted
in weapons being aimed at them. [...] Any attempt to flag down police results in
being told to get away at gunpoint. [...] The people are so desperate that
they're doing anything they can think of to impress the authorities enough to
bring some buses. These things include standing in single file lines with the
eldery in front, women and children next; sweeping up the area and cleaning the
windows and anything else that would show the people are not barbarians. [...]
The buses never stop. [Interdictor -
post]Who's perspective ?
Who's got the truth ? We hear: "when the National Guard is beaten back, when
shots are fired at rescuers, when a mob mentality takes over, when desperation
sets in." Yet in the firestorm this becomes something else: the potential for a
desire for the End that gradually overwhelms the desire to survive, a desire for
the eschatological climax, murder, for the catastrophe to find its final arc in
mass self-destruction: a spiral of total societal suicide in the throes of
control. And here I speak not only of the "looters," but all the fantasies of
the military & the police. And at the same time - "looters" trade goods on
neutral ground - guns, cigarettes and liquor are taken, leaving food behind -
all the vestiges of pleasure and capital, the archetypal comforts of the social,
are resurrected in the chaos, to no end, for no purpose. People become
When hospitals can't take care of people and the
rescuers need rescued [sic], there's no social fabric left, Andress said. [story]What's
left is not "no social fabric," but the threads of the fabric that held an
inequal, unjust, imbalanced and impoverished "society" together, the support
structure vanquishing its ultimate fear: to be truly and finally forgotten, left
to die. To act-out what nightmares prepared their birth. That these are
tapestries of revenge, of violent appropriation, of rape and beating -- is it
any surprise that Hunter S. Thompson asked of us to read the Book of Revelations
while arming himself in his fortified, mountain compound ?
No longer does any of this come across
shrill: it already is apocalyptic. It has become a fiction in reality, a
nonfiction of fact that catastrophe has struck New Orleans. But it has not
struck equally .. And from where ? From
what future ? At which point did possibility slip to impossibility in the cool,
calculated destruction of the Mississippi river's wetlands, its massive estuary
and delta that provided natural protection against hurricanes ? This was no
"natural" disaster, but a man-made, ecological time bomb. Will we witness a U.S.
Administration telling us that a planetary onslaught of ecological disaster has
little to do with global warming, with mass effects of pollution, with the
destruction of the earth's protections to its system of violent upheaval and
change ?And what of a nation that
seemingly can't provide for itself, can't come to terms with its own disasters,
which even linguistically must possess a media-object of the other: "this is our
tsunami" ? What of a nation that has failed its poor in the most obscene of
gestures, when the arrival of 300 troops, fresh from Iraq, carrying M-16s and
"locked and loaded," is met with relief, for yes! they will kill our own people
... corpses floating in flooded streets;
scores of police officers simply abandoning their posts to flee a city gone at
least temporarily mad. [...] New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was equally blunt.
Federal and state officials need to stop having "goddamn press conferences" and
get the relief effort rolling, he said in a late-afternoon radio interview, an
angry flare-up out of character for the popular, generally easy-going former
cable TV executive. [...] Scores of New Orleans police had simply gone AWOL and
fled, according to a ranking NOPD officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity.
[...] "It's like Iraq," one veteran war correspondent remarked. "But the
difference is that we don't have the army to embed with." [...] [story]When
the Mayor loses his shit finally (and for good reason), once and for all, when
police officers quit, yet keep their guns, when the media flees, because they
have been for too long pampered by protectionism and authoritarian spin
?What the fuck kind of country have
we turned into where we can't provide for our people in a situation like this? I
would expect this kind of thing in a country with no infrastructure at all, a
country where basic human needs are a luxury. Is this where the constant budget
cutting has gotten us? We seem quite well equipped to pump endless amounts of
money and staff into ridiculous military campaigns. But when people here need
help, they literally get left behind. There's just no excuse. None of this had
to happen. [emmanuel @
2600.com]Brian Massumi
and others have laid it out .. compassion has never been possible in Bush's
language nor his affect. When speaking of vengeance, of bloody justice, his
voice rings true and strong. But when faced with the immanent peril of his own
people, he can only stutter and promise patience, that help is on the way.
Unlike the war presidents he so dearly wishes to emulate, he cannot rally his
own people for, quite simply, they have never been a concern of the machinery,
of the elite, of that other black power--oil.
Tourist Debbie Durso of Washington,
Mich., said she asked a police officer for assistance and his response was, "'Go
to hell - it's every man for himself.'" To make matters worse, the chief of the
Louisiana State Police said he heard of numerous instances of New Orleans police
officers - many of whom from flooded areas - turning in their badges. "They
indicated that they had lost everything and didn't feel that it was worth them
going back to take fire from looters and losing their lives," Col. Henry
white people gonna get you, nigger! Them white men gonna kill us 'cause of what
you done today to that poor little white girl! You done smashed up the store
windows, broke all the streetlights, climbed up and pulled the hands down from
the clock! You been rapin' and lootin' and all them things! Oh, God, there's
gonna be shootin' and burnin' and blood shed all over! They gonna shoot up
everything in Jackson. Oh, God, oh,
don't touch me! [Dhalgren, p.
The city of Bellona has been altered in
a strange cataclysm. The familiar laws of physics don't entirely hold. You can't
quite be sure of distance and direction. Fires break out at random, and burn
inconsumably. Buildings twist and collapse. The dense fog almost never clears;
smoke and debris are everywhere. The city is largely depopulated. The few
remaining inhabitants scavenge in the rubble. They make a living out of waste
and ruin. There are always more abandoned supermarkets to plunder, always more
empty apartments in which to squat. The destruction is never-ending, but it is
also never total. Even after the apocalypse, life goes on. The activity is as
frantic as it is pointless. Neurotic white people hold dinner parties and
pretend to go to work, striving to maintain a facade of bourgeois normalcy.
Multiracial gangs roam the streets, disputing empty turf. Cliques and factions
rapidly form, and just as rapidly dissolve. Earnest social workers make their
rounds. [...] What good is a proper name, when you're stranded at the exhausted
end of time? All enterprise is futile. Tomorrow will be no different from today.
Time cannot be used productively; it can only be wasted. Dhalgren is a huge,
beautiful paean to wasting time. There's nothing left to do, except fuck, fight,
and party. [Steven Shaviro on
from Stranded in the
Jungle, chapter
7.][1] Abe
rightly points out -- and I agree, of course, as this statement wasn't meant to
be exclusionary -- that poverty knows no skin barriers, it's also white trash,
Cajun, Chicano, Mexican, Creole and of course Native Indian, not to mention
various immigrant classes, that deserve the "default." But I say "default" in
the sense that, if the media is to portray a black or homeless person, a
criminal or poor person, the image is, by default, black. By default might be a
way of expressing certain blind media practices that overrule and overdetermine,
that is, reproduce, realities.
posted. Thu - September 1, 2005 @ 08:53 PM
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...puplished 0n: Sep 02, 2005 11:50 PM