.this blog sketches patterning / [tV] -- everything here is in-progress, often a mess of thoughts and poorly edited grammar.
![]() past.projekts
archival.projekts: 1994-2005
- 31.12.o6 a better NYE & anza_club LOVE NYE, Vancouver. - 30_o3.11_12.o6 Upgrade International Oklahoma City - o9_12.11.o6 SLSA NYC -1o.11.o6 Upgrade NYC: AUTOSEVOCOM TACSAT -13.o9.o6 Upgrade Montreal: Francisco Lopez & Fishead -o5.o7.o6 Upgrade Montreal: images of movement - 14.06.06 Upgrade Amsterdam [presentation]. - 16_20.06.06 STEIM, Amsterdam - 12_16.06.06 SLSA Amsterdam - 30.05.06 Upgrade Montreal: Nettime Gathering @ Mutek. - 17.05.06 Upgrade Montreal: Derek Holzer & Sara Kolster - 12.05.06 FullPleineMoon, MTL - 27.04.06 Upgrade Montreal: Tactical Media. - 13.04.06 FullPleineMoon, MTL - 08.03.06 Upgrade Montreal: Voices of Aboriginal Women - 08.02.06 Upgrade Montreal: New Music - 17.01.06 Upgrade Montreal: Art's Birthday - Jan06_Spinoza, Husserl, Marx. .. @rchives //
XML/RSS feed.me //
numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..:
...puplished 0n: Apr 18, 2007 08:58 AM |