"to produce spontaneity, one must be authentic, but to be authentic one
must practice spontaneity" -- les constellations dynamiques
Johnny Ranger's recent excursion to India
culminates several years of conceptualizing and exploring the borderlines of
VJing, video-art and videography. His work is sensual and tactile; he brings
people and travels to life in the most intimate engagements. His images breath
and smoke from the screen. Les Constellations Dynamiques, the
Happening-style immersive performance at SAT, with the aid of a number of people
including the production crew at MomentFactory, was a high point for me in the
technology arts... and not only from 2005... and not only because Johnny is a
good friend... rather he expressed the total
in a modus operandi of warmth, intimacy and love, three factors desperately
missing in the world today... it felt like an ambient chill-out room taken to
new levels (and which for me signals the recuperation of underground culture's
immersive environments from the '90s). From the detailed installation art in the
Cafe, including notebooks and sketchpads from Johnny, to the wall hangings and
floor maps (constellations!) leading the audience into the white womb of the
performance area, the cold warehouse space of SAT was transformed into an encounter, an
orbital voyage for guided trips to the stars, darkness and constellations of
human experience. Everyone filled in around a 3/4 theater-in-the-round immersed
in seven screen projections and centered on a circular pit of sand. Chanti Wadge performed live dance in the sand
and through the audience, playing with and balancing the video, which seamlessly
blended from foreground to background, from ocular overflow to narrative
guideline in an event that was close to two hours in duration. Live "electronic"
music -- as in MIDI pad drums, percussion and sample triggers, improvisational
moments of soundscapes, synthesizers and drones, microphone experimentalism,
mouth vocollation music and subtle noise inflections -- from Michel
F Cˆ¥te and Alexander MacSween, in tandem, provided a
riveting sonic tapestry to the night's celebration of the merger of technology
and body. It induced in audience and performer -- so evident in the standing
ovation and the energetic enthusiasm and absolute detail to the event -- a very
different, and if it can be said,
dream of what the globalized world might look like. It hangs in the balance. Its
if we
grant the other the screen time and moments in which to express a world on the
hinge, to negotiate what will be either complete divergence or coming
convergence, we may open our hearts to a better place. If time can be neither be
"made" nor "found" but reinjected into our lives, as they are, in this moment...
maybe...In any case, before seeing the
event and having screened early footage only, not all of which was included in
the performance and will instead be released on DVD, I wrote a piece for Johnny,
some of which was quoted on the event programme/poster and all of which can be
found on the website (the title of which I took from Kulavadhut Satpurananda in
conversation in the film):[ "to produce spontaneity, one must be authentic, but to be
authentic one must practice spontaneity" ]
.*There are a few HTML errors (missing
hyphens and accented letters) that we will correct
posted. Mon - December
12, 2005 @ 12:00 PM
.this blog sketches patterning / [tV] -- everything here is in-progress, often a mess of thoughts and poorly edited grammar.
- [ NYE] in MTL.
- [11.1o-14.o5] SLSA Chicago.
- [11.o3.o5] Upgrade! Montrˆ©al @ SAT
- [1o.13.o5] control.to.chaos djing @ Saphir w/ Fishead et Level 4 Productions.
- [o0.26.o5] Beat Research, Boston. [dj set].
- [o9.24/25.o5] Upgrade International Gathering, NYC @ Eyebeam.
- [o9.22.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-24h00, DONATION. Benefit for Critical Art Ensemble & Robert Ferrell with Artivistic & [CRTL] conferences.
-[o9.21.o5] Where's the Beat, CKUT 90.3FM, Montrˆ©al.
- [o9.o1.o5] Cabanon Artivistic Fundraiser / controltochaos.ca w/ FISHEAD dj set + others. | MTL, 2025 St. Laurent.
- [o8.26.o5] (()) : a series of live micro-amplified electronic performances in local studios. live set w/ tomas phillips, john phillips. contact for invite.
- [08.18.05] : FullPleineMoon Party w/ DJ Fishead.
- [o7.28.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. Featuring in & out of the studio conference artists.
- [o6.23.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [o6.21.o5] Full Moon Party [MTL] w/ Jon Vaughn + Carrie Gates (SK). e for invite.
- [o5.18.o5] Doublethink - Orwell/Huxley NFB Happening [MTL]: performance of the Punishment Intensive SoundSystem (PISS) with Fishead and Black Market LIVE. Performance art, Bioteknica, Hate Orgies, competition debating. e for details.
- [o5.o7-o8.o5] THE SINUES OF THE PRESENT: GENEALOGIES OF BIOPOLITICS @ Universite de Montreal. Plenary speakers: Brian Massumi, Natalie Jeremijenko, Bioteknica. On a panel w/ Nick Dyer-Witheford. Should be interesting.
- [o5.o5.o5] mix_Sessions MDCN: mobile music @ SAT, 22h00-24h00, djing with colin the mole & VJ Beewoo.
- [o5.o5.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. With SonicScene / MDCN artists.
- [o5.o5-o8.o5] MDCN Symposium @ SAT.
- [o4.19.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE. w/ Alain Thibault, Elektra.
- [o3.17.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [o2.17.o5] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h00-22h00, FREE.
- [01.20.05] The Upgrade! Montreal, @ SAT, 18h30-23h00, FREE.
- [12.31.04/05] NYE. email me for details.. djing [vancouver]. [maybe?].
archival.projekts: 1994-2004
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numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..:
...puplished 0n: Mar 22, 2006 11:57 AM