[this kind of cut-up image could
soon be illegal in Canada! don't chicken out!]
Those worldwide might not
know this, but Canada is posed to put into place new copyright legislation that,
according to Michael
Geist, would be worse
then the US' infamous DMCA. Check out Geist's first take on Bill C-61
The first draft of
this bill was defeated in December '07 as an unexpected resistance grew amongst
us Canucks, with a large Facebook presence and a strong campaign to stop the
Bill. Unfortunately much has fallen on deaf ears, and the Bill, if passed, will
possibly make unlocking a cellphone illegal in Canada, as well as watching
out-of-region coded DVDs. In short, according to Geist, "the DMCA provisions are
worse than the U.S. and the consumer exceptions riddled with limitations as the
government promotes a strategy of locking down content and launching lawsuits
against Internet users."
Moreover, it will
be illegal to "distort or mutilate a copyright performance" -- as in remixing
will be illegal; hell mixing at all will be illegal. If you blend two
pre-recorded sounds together, that's illegal. Turntablism and radio-art and
collage will all be illegal. Mash-ups? Forget it. As for penalties? $500 for the
first infringement, then $5000, then $10,000. And that's per infringement, as
in, per MP3. You will be in jail for about 25 years to life with a debt the size
of the GDP if you have a hard-drive of shared songs, remixes, mash-ups,
transferred videos, an unlocked cellphone and a few Chinatown kung-fu
DVDs.Right about
now I would highly recommend K.W.
which is all about future capitalism and the extreme penalties for copyright
infringement -- to the point where, after one's spine has been removed (read the
book), one lives on as a ghost, can't even die to escape the law, and as a
ghost, must collect trash to pay back the massive amount of financial penalties,
which accumulate interest faster than the trash-collecting allows. It's an
endless purgatory, a living hell, and it's coming to a little capitalist state
near you! Steven
Shaviro provides an
excellent analysis of Jeter's novel in his book
wherein he mixes it with trends in contemporary capitalism. Well, here you go.
(FYI in Jeter's novel, to be 'connected' means to be 'fucked' – the rich
are unconnected, and can go offline, while the Suits and the worker bees are
always online, always connected, and never able to escape the
economy.)Today I
got an email from Ministers Prentice and Verner who are pushing this bill.
Here's their email.
Let 'em know what you think. Let 'em know a LOT. I
for your email but it smacks of a PR move for this hugely unpopular bill, and
for good reason -- Bill C-61 ignores the demands of Canadian ARTISTS, the
CONTENT MAKERS, and panders instead to the corporations that are currently
trying to lock down all culture and render it nothing less than a commodity to
be bought and sold to the highest bidder.
- implement new rights and protections for copyright holders, tailored to the
> Internet, to
encourage participation in the online economy, as well as
> stronger legal
remedies to address Internet
piracy;Yes, and
this is a problem! We don't need 'stronger legal remedies to address piracy', we
need a redefinition of piracy that leaves the door open for content creators and
an open sharing system to encourage creativity. We don't need "new rights," we
need to reduce the rights of copyright holders who, primarily being
corporations, have extended the reign of copyright far beyond what is
productive, useful or
> - clarify the roles
and responsibilities of Internet Service Providers related
> to the copyright
content flowing over their network facilities;
andAs in : clamp
down on ISPs for allowing BitTorrent and other sharing networks endorsed by, for
example, the CBC..! This is like shutting down telephone traffic because people
talk about TV shows. ISPs should NOT be pressured in this manner, and sharing
networks should be *encouraged* rather than villified. That I cannot access
Canadian-taxpayer funded content from the CBC using BitTorrent due to the ISP
restrictions is a HUGE
problem.And is
there any talk here of the CRTC breaking up the current monopoly we have in
Canada between Rogers/Bell/Shaw/Videotron, that is driving up Internet,
cellphone, landline and TV access prices, leaving Canada one of the most
expensive places in the world for
> - provide
photographers with the same rights as other
creators.Fine, what
of DJs? Audio-collage artists? Electronic musicians? The list goes way past
photography (which was invented in the late 19th century!). C'mon folks, get
with it. We're in the 21C now. Stop trying to turn back the
> What Bill C-61 does
not do:>
> - it would not
empower border agents to seize your iPod or laptop at border
> crossings, contrary
to recent public
border guards can ALREADY seize your laptop and copy all of your data -- as the
CBC has been reporting -- so what you are saying here is that nothing has
changed! Sure, border guards aren't *empowered* because they already are seizing
What this Bill is
> - it is not a mirror
image of U.S. copyright laws. Our Bill is made-in-Canada
> with different
exceptions for educators, consumers and others and brings us
> into line with more
than 60 countries including Japan, France, Germany and
AustraliaNo, it
goes much farther than that, and is directly a pressure of the MPAA and RIAA on
Canadian interests. We all know this. The rhetoric is the same. The scare
tactics over camcording in Quebec, etc, are easy to see. Stop trying to pull the
wool over our eyes: this bill will open the door for the RIAA and MPAA to sue
Bill C-61 was introduced in the Commons on June 12, 2008 by Industry Minister
> Jim Prentice and
Heritage Minister Josée
Verner.Who should
be tarred & feathered for selling Canadian culture to the corporations.
You will be
remembered for sending us all down the pipe, dear Ministers -- but then we
wouldn't expect anything less from the Harper Gov't: while Canadians at home see
their culture cleaved into pieces by corporations eager to sell & sue,
Canada abroad pretends it can fight more wars. We're just trying to be just like
our Southern neighbour -- and right when the old Bush regime is on its way out,
finally. Disgusting. We're running years behind with the cost of our
telecommunications and now trying to become like everybody else in the race to
the bottom rather than thinking creatively as to how to address the massive
technological changes that have already taken
place.-- tobias c.
van Veenturntablist,
artist &
For more information, please visit the Copyright Reform Process website at
> Thank you for
sharing your views on this important
> The Honourable Jim
Prentice, P.C., Q.C.,
M.P.> Minister of
> The Honourable
Josée Verner, P.C.,
M.P.> Minister of
Canadian Heritage, Status of Women
> and Official
Languages and Minister for
> La Francophonie
posted. Thu - June 12, 2008 @ 05:58 PM
.this blog sketches patterning / [tV] -- everything here is in-progress, often a mess of thoughts and poorly edited grammar.
archival.projekts: 1994-2006
- 26.10.o7 UpgradeMTL Artivistic Panel @ Oboro, MTL.
- 26.10.o7 UpgradeMTL Artivistic Sonic Ecology @ SAT.
- 25_28.10.o7 Artivistic, MTL
- 27.o9.o7 gallery.performance: espaceSONO.
- 20.o9.o7 soundwalk: espaceSONO.
- 14.o9.o7 deep.listening.session: espaceSONO.
- o5.o9.o7 vernissage: espaceSONO.
- sept-oct_07 espaceSONO: audio.listening.lab @ SAT[GALERIE], MTL.
- o2.o6.o7 OFF MUTEK, MTL.
- 21_27.o5.o7 Time-Space Dynamics in Urban Settings, Centre for Metropolitan Studies, Berlin.
- 19.o5.o5 RococoCamp @ SAT, MTL.
- 17.o5.o7 CTRL: Technology, Art & Society Symposium, McGill University & SAT: UpgradeMTL.
- 10_11.04.o7 CODE: Building the New Agora, University of Toronto.
- o4_o8.o4.o7 Deleuze: Text & Images, University of South Carolina.
- 17.o2.o7 8_bit screening, SAT, MTL.
- 17.o1.o7 UpgradeMTL: art's_birthday, MTL.
- 13.o1.o7 then + then again, Kingston, Ontario.
.. @rchives //
numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..:
...puplished 0n: Jun 12, 2008 05:58 PM