JavaMuseum Interview Project & Kenji Siratori

A recent theoretical / artist's p-o-v interview with Agricola de Cologne, part of the Javamuseum Interview Project:

[ interview with tobias c. van Veen ] . [ February 2006 ].

Check out the other interviews -- wordplay from creative technology freaks. Agricola continues to throw the matter/energy conversion rate right off the scale with his manic DiY curatorial -- it's all rough & ready and he's one of the few.

So today, this brilliant, sunny day here in MTL, the same day I saw the announcement, I caught an email from Japanese cyberpunk slanguage master Kenji Siratori (hiding in my Inbox). He said hello, and to "please use this track," so at least for now, here it is : CYBERFETUS . I really like it. It reminds me of some kind of RAMM:ELL:ZEE meets Prefuse 73 moment, all neon & LED lit under that television sky, but with bowel-destroying beats. I think he's reading in Japanese in it, so I'm going to send him a link to air.strike & the text.

Here's a good review of his book Blood Electric (from

The cyberpunk Japanese writer Kenji Siratori perhaps pioneered a movement among all non-English speaking writers. For his neuro/cyber-punk projects, this transition from Japanese - as a radically different language - to English is without exaggeration similar to translating a violent and fully Japanese videogame (including its machine codes, bugs, and repetitive architectures) to literature, the English literature. His techno-vortical texts similar to the most cryptogenic progressive writings exhume utterly original processes of text-composing but unlike other engineers of such texts whose economy of their writings is secured within the organic body of spectacular interwoven plots or critico-manic's verbigerations about the Text itself, his writings deliberately, encipher (hollows out) a new artificial wiremesh on and through which the text is non-wovenly rendered, convoluted and recomposed continuously. One can regard Kenji Siratori as a mech-warrior, a neuro-programmer.

Given the number of people utterly pissed off by the book, I'm quite excited to "read" it.

posted. Thu - April 20, 2006 @ 09:40 AM           |