"You Never Know Who's Listening" - Sherman Austin
Austin, webmaster of RaisetheFist.com, was sentenced today, August 4, 2003, to
one year in federal prison, with three years of probation. Judge Wilson shocked
the courtroom when he went against the recommendation of not only the
prosecution, but the FBI and the Justice Department, who had asked that Austin
be sentenced to 4 months in prison, and 4 months in a half-way house, with 3
years of probation." --Raisethefist.com
Guilt by association is coming to the
fore--a vicious tactic--and by this I mean that today, it seems, one can be
prosecuted with "Intent to harm the State" (conspiracy) by simply linking or
hosting information that could be used for dangerous acts’Äîlike creating
explosives. Which is what has happened to Sherman Austin. After an "unnamed
poster" uploaded information on explosive-making to Raisethefist.com , an FBI squad team surrounded
and raided Austin's house. From there it was all over (suspicions remain, of
course, as to why the poster has not been pursued--see thoughts below). The
issue is not, technically, linking or hosting such information--but rather
conspiring to use it with intent, for Google caches contain, host and link such
information, as do libraries and (untouched) religious and conservative
militias. While Austin's rhetorical intent is confrontational, there is no
evidence that he was planning or even approving of violence wrought by
explosives. In fact, his website is only a degree more direct than many other
websites critiquing US policy and Government with an ear to considering
alternate political systems--Austin's political system of choice being, not
surprisingly, "anarchism" (which we also see, for example, as a debated
alternative, in both theory and application, as well as to what it means
"today," in Zmag.org, Nettime.org and Indymedia.org,
and academic venues such as PostModern Culture and Autonomedia).I
don't support Austin's "anarchism," but it's
and it remains startling if not
close, as other posters to the site have pointed out, to the politics of Thomas
Jefferson, & of the "Declaration of Independence" (which one poster
described as "an anarchist rant"--& it is for these same reasons that I
would be weary of Austin's "anarchism," for its acceptance of a liberal
humanism, inheriting a legacy that requires some thought, including "liberation"
and other violent methodologies which, at their limit, mimic salvationary
structures). But it shows that the very usage and mention of the word
today--anarchism--is looping the circuits. The linking of "Tactical Post-Structural Anarchism" to Hakim
Bey as well as Foucault, Lyotard and Deleuze (see Michael Truscullo, PostModern Culture 13.3)
will have a double-effect: of at once aligning poststructuralism with a movement
often shunned by the Left and philosophy in general for its apparent
naˆØvety, and at the same time, in the eyes of the Right, confirming their
long-held suspicions that "French Theory"--if not intellectuals and academic
knowledge in general--are The Enemy.
In other words, the resampling of
"anarchism" makes both Left and Right uneasy. The State has clearly acted with
aggression against Austin and this aggression needs to be heeded by all who
continue to promote, if not simply discuss (and especially those without
recognised public support), alternative models, if not simply terrains, of the
political. Perhaps even their potential or possibility--are not the philosophers
of anarchy next? Noam Chomsky is unlikely
to be arrested. But the upcoming generations of political thinkers and activists
Even at this year's MUTEK--of all things,
an experimental electronic music festival!--a panel I moderated on Canadian
electronic music spent a good deal of the discussion touching upon the
hostilities at the Canadian / US border and the difficulties of traveling in the
US as a Canadian. The waves of fear spread. So does the discussion of anarchism.
Somewhere I was reading how
Libertarianism, despite its massive influence on the Net, has all but been left
uncommented upon by the academic Left and other political science institutions.
It may have been Geert Lovink, who certainly has advanced a critique of such
"Wired Ideology." But "anarchism" remains in a lurch between an image of
Libertarianism and a violent reduction to simply that--violence. It is also
reduced--and this will no doubt give "activists" pause in their agreement,
perhaps, so far--to the myth that "direct democracy" will solve the fallacies
wrought by representative democracy. Although direct democracy
(non-representative decision-making) can be useful and helpful in certain
scenarios, it can lead to intractable stalemates and can force a scenario of
group coercion, all of which has been outlined in troubling twists in the
deconstruction of Jean-Jacques Rousseau's work on the "General Will" by Jacques
Derrida in Of Grammatology. Rousseau (as well as Derrida) is very much worth
reading, for Rousseau spent much of his time trying to devise ways in which to
recognise the "will of the people." If one historically considers the writing of
Derrida's seminal tome today, one realises that there was a struggle, at the
time, with similar contemporary questions. One reads it in Hunter S. Thompson's
letters from the early '60s. The late-60s' radicals were doing their warm-up
thinking. By this I mean that OG, for example, was directed toward a reader who
was considering the debate in the atmosphere of the early-to-mid-late '60s in
France, pre-1968. The questions Rousseau was considering, of the "General Will"
of the people, were pertinent then--hence Derrida's "reading" and, at points,
"critique" or "deconstruction" of a certain philosophy or writing, exploring its
inherent dangers and risks, and its schema of necessity, of power despite its
aim or stated goals (and I only speculate here)--and it is pertinent now, which
also means we need to revisit (always) deconstruction.
The case of Austin Sherman also means
another dangerous US legal precedent: that webmasters are responsible for all
content of their websites. This would entail what an anonymous poster might
write in the Comments field of a blog, for example, or in a guestbook. Are
webmasters now responsible for what
say, think and write? And what of Google ads that rotate generated content? Is
the webmaster now responsible for, simply, all volunteered, provided, generated,
and linked information? What of RSS Feeds? How and where does a website end, in
this situation, when hyperlinking has also proved to be a legal act of
association? For example, by even
linking to Raisethefist.com in this journalistic context as well as in the mode
of critique & citation, it could be claimed, under this unjust precedent,
that one supports the site's aims of conspiratorial intent (’Äúintent’Äù
which has been ’Äúproved’Äù in the same manner). By linking to this blog
post you could be included. And so on--which leads us to (wrongly) conclude
entire swaths of the Net, if not discourse in general, as matrices of
culpability. Will we live to see time when, in its final bid for supremacy,
hegemonic power attempts to eradicate not only the presence of such information
but all the participants and agents in and of its relay? It's not too fantastic
nor hallucinatory to suggest that the current tactics of the RIAA--in arresting
MP3 filesharers accused of what are, on the whole, minor infractions of outdated
copyright law--are beginning to test the limits of such "outreach" tactics of
State & Corporate interference to what what can be termed "inward"
aggression. These are tactics of, to put it mildly, "shock and
awe."(I think it is fair, if the links
of culpability are being perpetuated by the State structure itself, to begin
considering culpable association as already incorporated by the State. The
various networks of business, military, media and politics for example. We can
speculate that what the legal system is setting in precedent is nothing less
than the ways in which the State already operates; it's just using its own
organisational principles, of culpable association, against its own people, what
Paul Virilio called endocolonization. Slowly "legalizing" a new & different
strap of constriction. Creeping control. We could also call this internal
strong-arm tactics--essentially a form of protection-money. By busting a few MP3
pirates, we all quit Kazaa out of fear. To repeat: these are tactics of, to put
it mildly, "shock and awe.") Where
does this leave, even, the status of my last two invigorated posts, one
responding with a certain poison to the repressive tactics of, for example,
the Polish religious right and its legal system?
Of discussing, openly, a support for a kind of "anarchism" that would
not be an anarchism as we currently know it, or yet, as a temporary exit, and
not a solution? Hopefully, "not alone"--for as soon as the webmaster becomes
isolated, and unsupported, as soon as the network is weakened, then a pincer
operation becomes that much easier by State forces.
A wider network is a necessity, a
network not of agreement or complicity, but of openness, of supporting while
questioning the troublesome categories of "free speech" and "free association"--
"basic human rights," however troublesome this discourse, for by supporting it
against the State, out rips a series of fault-lines--an openness to debate, to
discussion, to writing-as-polylogue, to also dropping the in-fighting and
presenting a show of hands when needed
(& we need this in the case of
Austin). But beyond this frontline support,
the issue at hand is one of knowledge itself: of the way we know things, citate
things, learn things. This is not only about Austin, but about the power
politics of information--& thus our dreams & our
realities.(Often today we forget that
writing can be speculative, or even paradoxical, or including its own debates,
like a fiction writer portraying a conversation--or Plato's dialogues of
Socrates and his interlocutors. We expect that it is univocal and judgmental and
true, this "we" perhaps reflected in the imposed method of "discourse" today,
television. Which means to say this very writing here is not television, despite
its appearance on your screen. It is fighting itself to understand the current
traumas of oppression being carried out at a lightning speed all but invisible
to the monopolized media's radar. It is quoting itself and others in this blog
without regard. It is grappling. It is risky.)
posted. Sun - August 17, 2003 @ 02:25 AM
.this blog sketches words & links from tobias c. van Veen -- renegade theorist & pirate. Everything here is in-progress, often a mess of thoughts and poorly edited grammar.
- [o8.28.o4] improv.show, curated by Aime Dontigny, with Diane Labrosse, Esther B, Marinko Jareb, Constantine +. more info tba.
- [10.14-19.o4] New Forms Festival, Vancouver, BC.
-[o6.28-o7.o6.o4] Amsterdam, Netherlands, @ Steim
-[o6.20-28] SLS, Paris, France.
-[o6.15-20.o4] Barcelona / SONAR, Spain
-[o6.16.o4] performance @ ColdCreation Gallery, Barcelona
-[o6.11.o4] No Type showcase @ Casa del Popolo
-[o5.29.o4] Addictive TV jam_session @ SAT. Free, 8pm+ .
-[o5.21-23.o4] Phantom Power, North Bay, Ontario
-[o5.16.04] SAT w/ me & Colin the Mole [HOSER A].
-[o5.o3.o4] SHARE.dj, NYC (Open Air, East Village, 9pm-12am).
-[04.28-05.04] Troy/Boston/NYC.
- [04.15.04] Anyware :: broadcast from SAT with Tomas Phillips, [sic], Sylvain Aubˆ©, Physical Noise Theatre. Organised by SHARE.dj, NYC.
- [03.31.04] Casa del Popolo: a. dontigny & diane labrosse. [experimental turntablist set].
- [03.27.04] Primavera (art happening & music). [La boite H], Studio 389, Groover Building,
2065 Parthenais. Info: 514.529.1007 . Metro Frontenac, Montreal.
- Deep Listening Night, MTL [03.06.04]. Contact for invite. Feat. myself and Thomas Phillips collaborating among others.
- Artivistic Conference. McGill University, Montrˆ©al, Cultural Studies Building, 3475 Peel St. " Sampledelia: Turntables and Sonic Force" [talk with turntables, March 2nd, 7pm]; Vernissage with tunes, March 2nd, 9pm; Roundtable on " The State of Art in Activism Today and Future Artivist Strategies" [March 3rd, 2:30-4pm].
- Left.Coast jam_sessions @ SAT. w/ Noah Pred, Colin the Mole, VJs Chanti & cousinchang. [02.25.03]
- DJ Spooky @ SAT. opening techno-turntablism & collage. [02.13.04]
- No Type show at Casa del Popolo feat. Books On Tape &
Mr. Mixel Pixel & me un/manning the wax. Jan. 28, Montreal. $8.
- olo J. Milkman - RECOMBINANCE - light projections & lines @ SAT. WiTH me on turntables. jan 29. 7-10pm, FREE, Montreal.
- Autonomedia/Chronoplastics fundraiser for Sound Generation book. January 8th & 10th, NYC.
+ dj sets +
- [o6.20.o4] "...attico mixdown," barcelona. streams: 48k | 128k + downloads: 48k | 128k. hosted by Burn.fm.
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numbers that mean little:
absolut numerosity..:
...puplished 0n: Aug 13, 2004 01:51 PM